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The Mercedes Benz "Pontoon" was launched in 1953.  Aiming to increase production, Mercedes turned to the unibody concept to design a line of series-produced cars whose design focused on passenger comfort and safety.

The name 'Pontoon' refers to a prominent styling trend that combined articulated bonnets, bodywork, mudguards and running boards into a single, panelled envelope. They were the first Mercedes models produced with a unibody body.

The Pontoon was the second series of cars produced after the top model Adenauer. The first base model, could be called the small Ponton with a four-cylinder engine. This was followed by the large Ponton with a six-cylinder engine and a longer body. This model was given a distinctive nose. In the 'S' class models, on the other hand, passenger comfort was increased with more legroom. Six-cylinder coupes and convertibles were also created. 

As a curiosity, we point out that between 1953 and 1959, 80% of Mercedes Benz car production was mainly Ponton Senados. 

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